Room 514

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A Little More About Processors March 19, 2008

Filed under: ICE3M — mryantho @ 1:23 am
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Just a reminder that your test is Thursday March 20.

One thing we haven’t discussed in depth is how a processor works.  Part of that reason is that processor technology is rapidly changing.  With dual core and quad core CPU’s on the scene, there is a lot to talk about.  Some things that don’t change are the basics of the CPU.  We often refer to the CPU as the brain of the computer.  Well obviously that is a very big generalization (and for the most part, the CPU doesn’t “think”.)

So let’s take a bit of an in depth look at processors.  Intel (the leader in CPU sales) has some great information for students on their website.  Visit their lessons on processors here

I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a couple questions on your test relating to this material. 😉