Room 514

Classes, curriculum, education…

Why’s Poignant Ruby Guide March 31, 2008

Filed under: Ruby — mryantho @ 5:09 pm
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This site:

offers a very interesting introduction to Ruby.  You are to read chapters 2 and 3 for homework.


First Steps with RUby

Filed under: Ruby — mryantho @ 5:05 pm
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Just some quick notes about our Ruby on Rails development:

Ruby – A very clean programming language often used for creating web applications

Rails – A framework for creating web applications that will use Ruby

Aptana Studio – An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for creating Ruby on Rails applications (amongst others.)

RubyGems – Package Installer for Ruby (also can update)

WampServer – RUns a local server on your machine; includes MySQL, Apache, and PHP

“Rails” command – A command that generates a rails framework for a web app

http://localhost:3000 – The default location (IP and port) where the server from Aptana will host the web appl


Programming in Practice

Filed under: ICE3M,ICE4M — mryantho @ 11:46 am
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As I have already said, for class we will be using Ruby on Rails to explore elements of programming.  I have a new category about Ruby posts here on the blog.  I will post information about each lesson and tutorial we work through.  I will make videos as we go along, however, I will not post them here.  The reason is, I will use a lot of references from our book and that may pose some problems posting that in the public domain.  Instead I will email you the links to where I have posted the videos privately.