Room 514

Classes, curriculum, education…

Boolean Logic May 29, 2008

Filed under: ICE3M — mryantho @ 4:43 pm

When you used Atanua to create a circuit that represented: A AND (B OR C), you were using Boolean logic.

Using Atanua, create circuits that represent the following boolean algabraic expressions.  For each create the truth table:

  1. (A AND B) XOR (D OR E)
  2. (A NOR B) NAND C
  3. (A NOR B) AND (B XOR C)

Routing Algorithms May 20, 2008

Filed under: ICE4M — mryantho @ 5:18 pm



OSPF May 15, 2008

Filed under: ICE4M — mryantho @ 3:07 am

Open Shortest Path First

For now, just condense (make notes) from this web page:

OSPF is a routing system that can use Dijkstra’s Algorithm in order to create spanning trees.  These trees of course help us find the shortest path from one node to another.


Network Devices Primer

Filed under: ICE3M — mryantho @ 2:51 am

We are going to look at network devices.  Some of these you may be familiar with, or at least heard of.  Things like routers, switches, and hubs.

First watch this to get a basic introduction:

Second read this:

While (or after) reading this, you are to define the following terms (you should do additional research if you don’t fully understand each term.)

  • Router
  • Switch
  • Hub
  • LAN
  • Bridge
  • DHCP
  • MAC address
  • Network Address Translation (NAT)

The terms above may be a part of your Friday quiz!


TCP, You, and Me

Filed under: ICE3M — mryantho @ 2:19 am

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

TCP is a protocol that lives in the transport layer.  TCP is the foundation for a large amount of network communication.

See the link below for full class notes.

  • Connection oriented service
  • In order byte stream transfer
  • Congestion control
  • Flow control

tcp notes here.



Network Layer View May 14, 2008

Filed under: ICE3M — mryantho @ 4:02 pm

The layer view of networks is a way of looking at networking and the internet.  Remember, a view is just a way of seeing something.  Kind of like sunglasses tinted different colors.  The thing you are looking doesn’t change, but rather the way you see it does. 

  • Layered view
  • Modularization
  • OSI and TCP/IP Models



Introduction to Networks May 9, 2008

Filed under: ICE3M,ICE4M — mryantho @ 11:53 am

Class, I have emailed your work as an introduction to networks. You will make notes on the introduction as well as answer questions about TCP/IP.

I have also attached the Word document with all the work here.


Programming & Ruby Test Tomorrow May 6, 2008

Filed under: ICE3M,ICE4M,Ruby — mryantho @ 3:42 pm

Make sure you engage your brains with effective studying!  I have found a scientific study that should emphasize my point.

As you can see World of Warcraft can drastically reduce student performance.  (Note that WoW can be replaced by any other non-academic pursuit.)

Ways to study that are better than reading:

  1. Writing and condensing notes
  2. Creating explanations in your own words
  3. Creating sample questions that you think could be on the test
  4. Sharing those questions with others (This is studying with a partner, as opposed to reading and then playing GTA on breaks.)