Room 514

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Ohm’s Law February 8, 2008

Filed under: ITT OYAP — mryantho @ 3:05 pm
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Ohm’s Law helps us to understand and predict the behaviour of circuits. I have gathered some resources to help you understand Ohm’s Law, as well as solve Ohm’s Law problems. Students in the past may have had some trouble understanding Ohms Law. These resources will really help you understand the concepts of Ohm’s Law. If you are having trouble solving Ohm’s Law problems, remember that practice makes perfect.

Overall Ohms Lessonss

Start at this site: WISC. This provides a great foundation on Ohm’s Law and solving problems in circuits.

Mr. Bing’s Science on Ohms Law page is more of a quick review of Ohms Law and fomulae.

Circuit Simulation

Simple demonstration. This shows the basic interaction between voltage, current, and resistance.

This interactive site: The Ohm Zone features a circuit simulation. You can build simple serial, parallel, and combination circuits and see the changes in voltage, resistance, and current. There are even some small tutorials if you click on “The Hand.”

Resistors in Series Problems

Resistors in Parallel Problems

Combination Circuits Problems