Room 514

Classes, curriculum, education…

What is a Podcast? April 29, 2008

Filed under: computers,ICE3M,ICE4M — mryantho @ 4:58 pm

Here are the notes from today’s discussion about what is a podcast.  I will add an additional powerpoint here shortly as well.



Overview of Computer Components February 21, 2008

Filed under: computers,ICE3M — mryantho @ 4:59 pm

Before we go any further, we should look at an overview of our computer components.  That way things will make some more sense when we look at any individual component at a deeper level 

Download this document with descriptions of computer components.


1. Open the above document, then:

  • Review
  • Highlight important parts, terms, etc. in yellow
  • Highlight confusing or non-understood terms in red

2.  In a similar style, add descriptions of:

  • Blu-Ray
  • Wireless Router
  • USB thumb drive
  • PCI-e

Save these all with pictures as a Word 97-2003 document.

3.  Create a Blog post that contains:

  • An introduction about the document you have created
  • A link to download the full version of the document
  • The text-only of the 4 component descriptions you have added

Motherboards February 20, 2008

Filed under: computers,ICE3M — mryantho @ 5:10 pm

Complete this note.


Inside the Computer February 19, 2008

Filed under: computers,ICE3M — mryantho @ 5:06 pm


Now that we have some fundamental knowledge about the history of computers, we can take a closer look at how the computers we use today work.  Computer components can seem complicated when we look at how they work.  It is important to make sure you understand the fundamentals as we move along.  Don’t forget to ask a question the moment something is unclear.  Either post a comment, or ask in class.

First Things First

I would like each ICE 3M student to send me an email to let me know their GMail address, and the URL of their blog.  Example:



Subject: ICE3M  


Mr. Yantho,

This is firstname lastname, the address to my Blog is   


Firstname Lastname  

PS You are the best teacher I have ever had.  I mean that in a serious way, not just to suck-up, because I know you hate suck-ups.  Also, good luck this year as you coach the senior girls soccer team to their third straight Halton Championship.

The Basic Computer

Conceptually, a computer is this:

Basic Comp

But we usually think of this:



  1. Comment on your blog the difference between the two “ideas” of a computer.
  2. Download this PowerPoint
    1. Add slides as an introduction to the motherboard
    2. Identify each numbered component on the motherboard
    3. Explain (1-2 lines) what each component is

History of Computers February 14, 2008

Filed under: computers,ICE3M — mryantho @ 4:58 pm

We have a bit of knowledge of how a computer stores numbers conceptually.  But before we move ahead, we should look at where we came from.  And be “we” I mean computers.  Take a look at this powerpoint presentation to get an introduction in to the history of computers.


ASCII Text & Codes February 11, 2008

Filed under: computers,ICE3M — mryantho @ 12:33 am
Tags: ,

The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is used by computers as a way to store letters as numbers (binary.)  But ASCII is actually older than the computer.  ASCII was created for teletype machines.  Teletype machines were like a cross between a typewriter and a fax machine (but these pre-date fax machines.)  The operator could type and the signals were carried to a receiver where a printer would interpret the codes in order to print to paper.  So ASCII was used interpret letters to signals to be transmitted, received and then printed.

 Question:  What is the importance of having a standard format?

See ASCII code chart here.

ASCII codes are obviously numbers, but we have to remember that they are actually stored as binary numbers.  So the capital letter “H” isn’t stored as 72, but rather as  1001000.  ASCII numbers are stored as 7 bit binary numbers.  This means that we have the lowest number as 0 (0000000) and a highest value of 127 (1111111) for a total range of 128.  This means we can have 128 ASCII characters. Seven might seem like a strange number because usually we use sets of eight bits.  Well in old computers, the 8th bit was used to check for errors, this was called a parity bit

Parity Bit?

So what exactly is a parity bit?  A parity bit was an extra bit used to check for errors.  Early forms of transmission would often have errors.  Of course, today when we transmit data (say, on a network) we still have errors.  An error in transmission often means that one digit is read wrong.  So the receiver thinks a digit is a one, when it should be a zero, or vice-versa.  A parity bit is an extra bit that can be set to either one or zero.  As an example, it is used to make sure that every group of 8 bits has an even or odd number of ones.  Let’s see an example:

Problem: Transmit the message: 0110101 1101011 0001101 1001101 0010100 with parity bits to try and check for errors.

Solution: Make each chunk of 7 digits have an even number of ones (even parity bit):

0110101 1101011 0001101 1001101 0010100 -> 00110101 11101011 10001101 01001101 00010100

Now each chunk of 8 bits has an even number of ones.  Each chunk is made of 7 bits of data, and 1 parity bit.


What is Unicode? Well let’s go straight to the source: The Unicode Home Page:

Fundamentally, computers just deal with numbers. They store letters and other characters by assigning a number for each one. Before Unicode was invented, there were hundreds of different encoding systems for assigning these numbers. No single encoding could contain enough characters: for example, the European Union alone requires several different encodings to cover all its languages. Even for a single language like English no single encoding was adequate for all the letters, punctuation, and technical symbols in common use.

 So, while ASCII was good to represent all our English letters, it clearly isn’t enough to represent all the characters of all languages as binary numbers.

ASCII and Unicode aren’t the only way of encoding text, but they are two of the most popular and widely used methods.


Decode the following messages manually & show your work (Due next class):

  1. 1001000 1000101 1001100 1001100 1001111
  2. 1001001 1000011 1000001 1001110 1010111 1001111 1010010 1001011 1001001 1010100 1001111 1010101 1010100


You will create an exemplar document (either by hand or electronically) showing how to perform binary addition and binary multiplication.  This should include one page for each addition and multiplication.  As this is an exemplar document, the main foucs is the example you use.  This means you should choose your example(s) wisely so that you can highlight the aspects of the process.

Due: Wednesday Feb 13